Bowker Publishing Services has ISBNs and more to help authors publish, market, and sell their books
Bowker has the resources you need to safeguard your content and boost discoverability
We have products, services, and resources to help authors through the publishing process
You’ll find tools to help you reach new readers at Bowker
Create your own website in minutes — no technical skill required!
Build your own author website with Author Home Page. You can do it yourself because we’ve done most of the hard work for you! We supply templates, images, and color palettes you can select and personalize to build a website that will attract and engage the readers you want to reach.

Pitch your story to producers and studios worldwide

Getting your story seen by producers was almost
impossible... until now!
impossible... until now!
Online book marketing made simple

Book2Look makes it easy for readers to find,
experience, and buy your book online.
experience, and buy your book online.
Get your book the attention it deserves

Boost your exposure and attract media interest with a
professionally prepared book press release.
professionally prepared book press release.
Get the word out with this key marketing tool

The Electronic Sell Sheet is like a promotional resume you can
use to present your book to retailers.
use to present your book to retailers.
Get expert advice from a book marketing pro

Book Marketing Consultations will help you launch
your own promotional campaigns.
your own promotional campaigns.
Make your book interactive and engage your readers

Maximize the value between print and interactive
experiences with QRPlus codes!
experiences with QRPlus codes!
We have more tools that will help you reach more readers SEE MORE TOOLS